Our nail term glossary is a resource provided to our customers which offers simple definitions for various terms used in reference to nail care.
Please feel free to peruse our glossary for any terms you wish to define.
Synonym for “Polish”
Lactic Acid
An organic acid found in milk.
Adding two or more layers of same material together to make the material stronger.
Fatty material found on sheep's wool; it is used in skin moisturizers.
Lateral Nail Fold
Soft nail tissue on the left and right side of nails.
Material used to protect skin around the nails while painting them.
A northern African herb used in cosmetic and medicines.
Stands for Lethal Dose 50%.
Stands for Limited Edition.
Fatty substances present in animal and plant tissues which are amphiphilic (attract both water and fats).
LED Lamp
LED Lamps emit UV light which is used for curing gels.
Showing love for any specific nail polish color.
Whitening spots on nail plate caused due to fungal infection OR trauma.
Allowing someone to carry out any specific occupation OR profession.
Lichen Planus
Lichen Planus is a hard to treat skin and nail disease that sometimes leaves permanent scars.
Licorice Root
The root of the licorice plant. Because of its antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antimicrobial properties, it is used in cosmetic and skin care products.
Lifting in relation to nail treatments, refers to separation of natural and artificial nails primarily due to improper treatment.
Light Cure
Hardening nail gels OR polishes with LED Lamps.
Light-Activated Acrylics
Nail Acrylics which require UV light to harden.
Lindsay’s Nails
Nails which are half discolored, and half white are called Lindsay’s Nails
Line Work
Painting black detailed lines on the nail while applying nail paints, so as to make them look more defined.
Linear Polymer
Type of polymers used in nail adhesives, as they are arranged in a linear fashion, it is easy to remove them from the surface on which they are applied.
Linen Wrap
Wrap used to cover brittle nails to strengthen and protect them, usually followed by a coat of nail polish.
Liner Brush
Nail art brush used to draw small straight lines.
Organic fatty acids or their derivatives that are insoluble in water.
Lipstick Nails
Filing nails at a slant angle.
Liquid Resins
Liquids that change to resin on drying.
Liquid Wrap
Nail paint that contains strengthening fibers.
Liquid-To-Powder Ratio
Liquid-To-Powder Ratio refers to the recommended ratio between liquid and powder as suggested by the manufacturer to achieve perfect hardening of nail products
Lobster Hands
Slang for photographed hands that look like a lobster.
Local Exhaust
Most nail products recommend local exhaust to protect the health of nail technician. This refers to fans or other means of exhaust that draw air away from both the client and nail technician.
Longitudinal Grooves
Fine solid particles in the air.
Lotion refers to a substance, typically of a creamy consistency, that is used to hydrate and moisturize skin.
The pink/white semi circled shape at the base of the nail.
Lymphatic System
The Lymphatic System produces white blood cells that protects body against germs. A key component of the human immune system.